Easy Method to Block Loan Apps Calls in Nigeria

Use this simple method to block any online lender from calling your lines.

The most frustrating part of these calls is that after you balanced up your outstanding loan, they’ll keep calling you to take another loan, offering higher loan amount and tempting you into taking the loan which can eventually leads to harassment if you can’t afford to pay back on due date.

To stop all these online loan apps and loan sharks from calling phone, follow the simple guidelines I’m going to teach you in this article. I, myself, make use of this method and I can testify that it work 100%.

How to stop loan apps from calling your number

STEP 1: Download TrueCaller App

First of all, you need to download and install true caller app on your device. If you’re using iPhone, you can install the “True Caller App” from Apple App Store while Android users can download it from their phone Google Play Store.

The Truecaller App is a mobile phone application that has features of caller ID, call-blocking, flash-messaging, call-recording, chat and voice, e.t.c. The most amazing part of this phone number lookup app is that it also works offline.

In other words, you don’t need an internet connection to use the app. The app is available for download for both Android and iOS users.

With the caller ID and call blocking features, True Caller App can identify loan apps numbers and block their calls. All you need to do set one loan app number to “block similar calls” and the app will automatically block all the lenders’ numbers.

STEP 2: Setup An Account

Once you have the True Caller App on your device, open the app and setup an account. At first, internet connection will be needed to register an account. Just input your phone number and names to create an account on the true caller app.

STEP 3: Set As Default

Once the app is activated, set the app to default to manage your phone calls. Once the app is on default, it’ll manage all the incoming and outgoing calls on your phone.

STEP 4: Block All Loan Numbers

Now, go to “Block” section in the app and input one loan app number and tap on “block similar calls”. Alternatively, you can wait for any loan number to call you, reject the call and you’ll option to block.

Blocking Loan App using True Caller App

Once you click on “Block” and option will pop up saying “block calls from thousands of known spammers”. Once you activate the true caller app to function this way, the app will automatically reject calls from thousands of known scammers, including all loan apps and sharks.

If you find this article helpful? Please, share to your social media profiles so that it can gets to more people who are being threatened by loan apps.

About the author

Temmy Samuel
Temmy Samuel is a seasoned journalist and senior editor with extensive experience at renowned publications like Money, Consumer Reports, Success, and Reader’s Digest. As a writer, his work has appeared in prestigious outlets such as The New York Tim…

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